If you’re visiting Peoples Natural Gas Field with the hopes of going home with a few autographs, you should be able to achieve your goals. But there are a few things to know that will help you improve your chances of success. The home team is situated on the first base side, and as is the case at any MiLB park, it’s possible to get players to sign at either side of the dugout before the game. Altoona’s bullpen is situated down the first base line, just past the Ollie’s Cheap Seats general admission section. You can try for autographs between the dugout and bullpen, as several players will stop and sign along the fence.
But if you’re a fan of the opposition, getting autographs can be a little trickier. True, there are typically fewer autograph seekers around the visiting dugout, but the issue here is the access – or lack thereof – to the visitors’ bullpen. The bullpen bench is set back in the base of the wall in left field, which means you’ll never be able to get close enough to the relievers to get an autograph. The bullpen’s pitching area sits in foul territory, making it a little more accessible, but only to fans who have tickets in the US Foods Picnic Pavilion down the line. If this isn’t you, you won’t have any chance of getting an autograph around the bullpen. For these reasons, it’s best to try for some signatures right around the dugout, before some of the players retreat to the relative privacy of the bullpen.
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