Unlike many ballparks in the Minors and Majors, NYSEG Stadium isn’t built in the center of an area that caters to baseball fans. To be blunt, the stadium isn’t situated in the best part of town.
Once you park, however, you can leave the grit of the neighborhood behind and enjoy a AA baseball experience. If you want to try to catch a ball during batting practice, doing so is possible here. If not, proceed to the front of the stadium at Henry and Fayette streets and buy your ticket at the ticket office.
When the gates open an hour before first pitch, you’ve got the option of touring the stadium’s concourse of heading straight toward the field. The latter is your best option if you want to try to catch a batting practice ball or obtain some autographs. If not, take the opportunity before the crowds get too thick to wander the stadium and take in the sights. The concourse at NYSEG Stadium is not open-air; instead, it runs beneath the stadium’s seating. While this style of concourse at some facilities is dark and dreary, that isn’t the case here. The concourse down each base line is lined with concession stands and other attractions, including a good-sized team shop to the left of the main gate, a Binghamton baseball hall of fame, daily-updated MLB stats leaders and vendor’s tables. In the right field corner, you’ll come across a kids’ play area, complete with a Mets inflatable structure. The stadium’s first-aid booth is to the right of the main gate and washrooms are located midway down each concourse.
Fans who enjoy watching the mechanics of the game should situate themselves in the picnic area in the left field corner. Here, you can watch pitchers from the visiting team warm up. (It’s difficult to see the B-Mets pitchers as their bullpen is partially behind the right field fence and partially blocked by the concession stand in the right field corner.)
As always, you’ve got the choice of staying in your seat for the entire game or wandering throughout the park. If the picnic areas in each corner aren’t occupied by a group, fans typically wander in and out of these areas and watch the game from behind the fence.
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