In addition to selling the standard types of stadium food found throughout America, NYSEG Stadium offers a handful of items that are definitely worth trying.
In the concourse behind home plate, close to the front gates of the stadium, stadium staff cook up a number of items including burgers and sausages. You’ll be able to find this concession with ease; just follow the cloud of BBQ smoke wafting through the air. While these items aren’t unusual at ballparks, they’re tasty and hot. Across from the BBQ station is a concession stand that sells pierogies, among other things. While the thought of pierogies might be appealing to you, take a pass. They’re bland and not on par with what you’d cook at home or get in a restaurant.
Visit the Lupo’s Dugout concession stand in the right field corner for several tasty treats including Italian sausages, chicken or pork spiedies, salt potatoes and even corn on the cob. Spiedies and salt potatoes are staples at New York State Minor League Baseball parks, and are delicious. If the game has a sizeable crowd, however, get your food from Lupo’s Dugout early. This concession is a hot spot and it’s not uncommon for the items to sell out before the game is over. Lupo’s Dugout also serves microbrews including baseball-themed Nine Man Ale and Old Slugger from Cooperstown Brewing.
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