If you hope to find a batting practice ball laying somewhere inside Coca-Cola Field after the gates open, it won’t be easy. As is the case at other ballparks, BP balls are picked up by Coca-Cola Field staff between the end of batting practice and the gates opening. That doesn’t mean, however, that they notice every ball; to get one, you need to know where to look.
Immediately upon entering the stadium, make your way to the right field corner. As always, as you walk through the concourse, keep an eye out for any stray balls in the seats. Look for Heron’s Landing, a large party deck beyond the right field fence. Walk through the deck area and down the steps to the other side, which opens into a large, paved picnic area. You’ll see a number of covered picnic tables, washrooms and a concession stand. This area is your best bet for BP home runs. Most of them will have already been picked up by ushers, but scout around the area just over the chain-link fence. There are numerous folded tables, chairs and other debris on the concourse side of the fence; take some time to search in this area and you may come across a ball.
Otherwise, you can increase your odds of getting a ball at Coca-Cola Field by finding a seat in a relatively empty section and hoping for a foul ball.
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