Huntington Park offers an impressive selection of seating options for fans, and regardless of whether you favor swanky or relaxed, you’ll find it here. The park’s crown jewels are the Loge Seats and Club Seats sections, found directly behind home plate. The Club seats are closer to the field, while the Loge-level seats are a little farther up. Each seating option costs $20 and has its own set of perks. The Club section provides the traditional home plate view that many fans seek, and has standard box seats. While the Loge section might be slightly farther away, it boasts more legroom, comfy rolling chairs and a bar that allows you to eat your food without holding it in your lap. A ticket in these seats also gives you the loge level, which features an enormous bar and a pair of concession stands.
Your next ticket option is the Box Seats section, which runs down each baseline. A ticket here runs you $12 in advance or $15 on game day. These sections aren’t protected by the net behind home plate, which is ideal if you’re an amateur photographer or just want to feel close to the game, but do require you to keep your attention for errant foul balls and bats. For slightly less money, consider the Reserved Seats sections, which are found down the first and third base lines, from the shallow outfield to each foul pole. Tickets here cost $10 for adults and $7 for seniors and children.
The most affordable ticket price at Huntington Park encompasses a variety of seating options. In advance, these tickets cost $6 for adults and $3 for seniors and children; on game day, you’ll pay $7 and $4, respectively. These options include the general admission bleachers in left field, the grass seating in center and the tower seating in left. The bleachers and grass seating are the same as you’ll find across the minors, but the perk to the bleachers is they’re made up of box seats, rather then aluminum benches. If you plan to use the grass seats, make sure to bring a blanket but leave your lawn chairs at home, as they’re prohibited. The big draw in this price range is the Tower Seats section. Although they’re as far from home plate as you can get, they offer a view you won’t often find in the minors – similar to the rooftop seats at Wrigley Field or, if sticking in the minors, the Treetops section at Fort Wayne’s Parkview Field. The Tower Seats are on top of the building that houses the team shop, known as Clippers Cargo, and are worth stopping by to visit regardless of where you’re seated.
Regardless of where your ticket is located, consider spending some time at a couple of the park’s other notable areas. Chief among these is the standing room deck above right field, which offers a great view of the action and a vantage point that’s uncommon throughout the minors. The picnic section in the left field corner is loaded with picnic tables and perfect for families who wish to eat in comfort before returning to their seats.
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