If you’re looking to get a baseball and some autographs during your visit to Grainger Stadium, you shouldn’t have trouble on either front. There are several ways to get a baseball once you’re inside the stadium, but a good option is to walk through the area behind the outfield fence after batting practice concludes. It’s common to find a ball or two in this space. Once the gates open, take a walk through the ballpark to see if you can find any baseballs left behind after batting practice. The seats around the Mother Earth Pavilion in the right field corner are particularly a good place to check.
During the game, you can hang out on the grass berm down the first base line in hopes of snagging a foul ball or perhaps having a player toss you a third-out baseball. The concourse behind the berm is wide and open, and can therefore be a good spot to catch a foul ball.
It’s easy to get several autographs before and after the game. Players on both teams sign generously around the dugouts before each game. (At some MiLB ballparks, fans can also get autographs around the bullpens, but that’s not the case here because neither ‘pen is accessible to fans.) The Wood Ducks have their dugout on the third base side, and this part of the ballpark tends to be more crowded with autograph seekers. If you miss a certain player before the game, hang out in the front row along the fence after the game. The players will walk from their dugout to the clubhouse in the left field corner, and many will sign autographs along the way. This is particularly true after the home team wins.
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