Should you get to Jerry Uht Park before the gates open, it’s worth taking a walk around the area. At some parks, you can spend ample time taking in the sights, but there’s not much to see here. True, the ballpark is situated in downtown Erie, but its surroundings aren’t exactly noteworthy. Once the gates open an hour before first pitch, however, you’ll have plenty to see and do before the game begins.
The home plate concourse area is where the action is, and soon upon entering, you’ll see a team shop and a number of concession stands. The team shop is small, but spills out into the concourse and sells a variety of SeaWolves and Detroit Tigers merchandise. If you head to the right of the team shop, you’ll see the park’s main gathering area and plenty of fans buying food and checking out the game’s lineup cards and stats boards, which are on display here.
If you walk left from the team shop, you’ll see a board recognizing SeaWolves who’ve made it to the Major Leagues, and a relatively empty corridor that eventually leads to a kids’ play area in the left field corner. In this area, you’ll also see a concession stand and a fenced-in area that contains the park’s smoking section. Beyond this area is the left field home run deck, which you can access by walking through the smoking section. The Erie bullpen is also situated in the left field corner, and once the starting pitcher comes out to warm up, you can stand on the home run deck for a bird’s eye view of his pitches.
The first base side is highlighted by the two-level group picnic area and an additional concession area. This area is definitely worth exploring and unless there’s a group that has the section booked, you can even spend some of the game here. The bulk of the seating at the ballpark is pretty standard – box seats throughout and a cross-aisle that separates the 100 Level from the 200 Level. The 200 Level seats on the first base side generally have a fun atmosphere, so if you’re visiting with a group and want to ensure a good time, consider buying your tickets for this area.
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