Entering Segra Stadium as soon as its gates open (one hour before first pitch) will increase your chances of getting a baseball. You’ll want to immediately walk around the concourse and look through the seats, scour the grass berm, and check out any other nooks and crannies that may yield a baseball left over after batting practice. There are a few spots that can be good to hang out if you want to snag a game home run. The seating section immediately behind the right field fence often has home runs hit into it, while the grass berm in left field can also be a good choice. Lots of homers to left land in the bullpens, but players will occasionally toss these baseballs to fans on the berm.
Gathering around the dugouts before the game is your best way to get autographs. It’s common for multiple players on each club to sign in these areas prior to first pitch. While it’s possible to call out to a member of the bullpen staff and have him sign something for you before the game, autographs tend to be easier to get around the dugouts.
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