The majority of the seating at Segra Stadium consists of standard stadium seats situated between the field and concourse. The pricing varies according to location. You can expect to pay between $17 and $20 in any of the six sections that are directly behind home plate. For a seat in any of the three sections around either dugout, pricing varies from $15 to $18. Pricing is more affordable down the lines. In any of the sections that begin at first and third base and stretch toward the foul poles, tickets cost $13.
If you’re looking for a different seating experience, the 4-Topps section might be one to consider. It’s located just off the concourse down the third base line. This section is comprised of tables that have four chairs around them. They cost $25, and you need to buy a minimum of four. If you’re planning to attend a game with three other people, you’ll enjoy the uniqueness and comfort that this section provides.
As is the case at many minor league ballparks, grass berm seating is an option at Segra Stadium. The park has one large berm that is situated in left field. It’s directly behind the bullpens, which makes it a good spot if you enjoy watching pitchers warm up. It’s also just a short walk away from the children’s play area, which is just one reason that many families choose to sit on the berm. Berm tickets cost $11.
Perhaps the most unique seating option at Segra Stadium is the Rocking Porch section, which you’ll find in center field. This section is entirely made up of modern-looking rocking chairs. The chairs are comfortable, and there’s a bar rail across the front of each row of chairs, providing a handy spot for your refreshments. Rocking Porch seats cost $15.
Finally, the Woodpeckers also sell General Admission tickets for the area around Healy’s Bar. If you’re planning to watch the game from the bar or from any of the seating options around the bar, which is situated in the right field corner, this $11 ticket will be a good choice for you.
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