It’s easy to get autographs at every Minor League ballpark, but at Nymeo Field at Harry Grove Stadium, you can get many players to sign for you before they even reach the field. This ballpark is one of the most accommodating for autograph seekers that you’ll find, thanks to its unique construction and the location of the clubhouses. The Keys clubhouse is located at the far end of the first base concourse, just behind the Brewer’s Alley bar area. Before each game, the players will emerge and cross the concourse, then walk down a set of steps to the field. The steps are blocked off by a railing, but fans can line up in this area and most players will stop and sign right then and there.
If autographs are your mission, get to the ballpark early and head inside as soon as the gates open. If it’s the Keys you’re after, move quickly to the first base side and stand along the rope. It’s likely that the players won’t be on the field just yet, so be patient. They’ll arrive soon enough. Keep an eye to the concourse so that when the players come, you’re ready with your marker and something you want signed. If there are guys who don’t sign for you along the steps, move down to field level and try for some autographs around the Keys dugout or bullpen. Some players prefer signing after they’ve stretched and played catch, so even if you miss someone initially, you might still be able to get him.
After the game, the players use their designated walkway to leave the field, so you’ll have another shot at getting autographs from anyone you might’ve missed earlier. As a last resort, stand near the team’s clubhouse door and try to grab a player before he heads in.
If it’s the visitors you’re after, apply the same logic but on the third base side of Nymeo Field at Harry Grove Stadium. The visitors’ side is a mirror image of the Keys’ side. The visiting team accesses the field through their own walkway, and most players will sign in this area as well as around their dugout before the game.
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