Virtually every Minor League ballpark is a dream for any autograph collector. With few exceptions, players are accessible, accommodating and happy to sign for fans. At Dow Diamond, however, the atmosphere is even better.
True, MiLB players sign around their dugouts and bullpens before most games. It’s not rocket science to state this fact. But in Midland, signing is a big part of the pre-game events. The area around the Loons first base-side dugout is dubbed the Chemical Bank Autograph Area, which is a fancy way of saying it’s an area set up specifically for Loons to sign. This area is officially open in the 20 minutes leading up to each game, but players aren’t limited to sign only during these 20 minutes. There’s no specific autograph booth that designates the area — it’s just the space along the fence at the home bullpen.
When the park’s gates open, make your way down to field level. If you want to get some Loons autographs, hang out around the dugout and bullpen on the first base side. If it’s the visitors you’re after, head over to the third base side. Some players on the visiting team will sign, but the Loons seem to make a habit of it.
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