If you arrive at Municipal Stadium before the gates open, take some time to explore the facility. Even before you’re able to enter, there are several sights worth seeing if you’re the type of person who enjoys exploring.
Getting a ball during batting practice before the game is difficult at Municipal Stadium, but it’s possible to watch some of BP take place. If you walk around the entire perimeter of the stadium, you’ll come to a staff parking lot located beyond the left field corner. Here, there’s a gate that’s often left open; if you stand in this area, you can watch the players on each team take their batting practice swings.
Unfortunately, much of Municipal Stadium is surrounded by a fence that makes seeing into the ballpark impossible. You’ll note this fact as you walk down the pathway beyond the third base line.
When the gates finally open, you’ve got the choice of heading straight to your seat, trying to obtain autographs or looking for a batting practice ball that made its way into the stands or picnic area. If you’d rather just wander around, the team’s store is located to your immediate left as you enter. The store sells a variety of Suns-related clothing and merchandise and also has an ATM. The concourse behind home plate has a few concession options and there’s also a popular food stand down the concourse behind third base.
Head along this concourse and you’l’ soon find yourself in a large picnic area, complete with a beer garden, deck and several picnic tables. From here, you can look back toward home plate to survey the stadium and decide where to go next.
Taking a right turn upon entering the main gate, which sends you down the first base line, will eventually lead you to a gate adjacent to the teams’ clubhouses. This is an ideal spot to seek autographs before and after the game.
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