Your likelihood of snagging a baseball before you enter Atrium Health Ballpark is slim, but you have one option to explore if you possess a never-say-die attitude. During or after batting practice, walk along the sidewalk that runs parallel to Laureate Way. This street passes behind the ballpark’s left field side. It’s technically possible for a monstrous home run to left-center field to bounce off the concourse and roll under or through the fence between the ballpark and sidewalk. With some luck, you might find yourself in the area and be able to retrieve one of these baseballs.
Upon entering the ballpark, devote some time to looking for a baseball left over from batting practice. Carefully scouring the party decks down the line, the Outfield Bar in right field, the Adirondack chairs in right field, and the grass berm in left field can sometimes yield results. During the game, there are several spots behind the outfield fence where you can hang out in hopes of catching or retrieving a home run. These include the grass berm, the outfield concourse, and the seats in right field. The Cannon City Supply Co. team shop sells game-used baseballs for $5, which gives you a backup plan if you fail to snag one.
It’s common for players on the Cannon Ballers and their opponents to sign autographs before the game. Hanging out around either dugout is your best chance of obtaining some signatures. (The Kannapolis dugout is on the first base side.) You can also hang out around either bullpen, situated in foul territory down each base line, with whatever item you wish to get signed. Although some players will sign autographs after the game, it’s generally a good idea to do your autograph seeking before first pitch.
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