Atrium Health Ballpark is situated in downtown Kannapolis, and its location means there are plenty of parking options available for fans. The ballpark technically has just one “official” parking lot that is open to fans without VIP/season passes – a grass lot that you’ll find close to Gate 3, at the corner of Laureate Way and Chestnut Avenue. Parking in this lot costs $5.
If you want to save money, there are several free parking options around the ballpark — but you’ll need to be prepared to walk just a short distance. The City of Kannapolis provides numerous parking lots and garages within a few blocks of Atrium Health Ballpark. There’s a large lot at the corner of Laureate Way and North Research Campus Drive, another lot off Cannon Baller Way between Oak Avenue and West Avenue, and a garage just a short distance from the intersection of South Main Street and Cannon Baller Way. There are also many parking spots along South Main Street, but you’ll need to confirm how long you’re able to park in these areas based on the day of your visit.
A Food Lion supermarket and Family Dollar store are situated within walking distance of Atrium Health Ballpark. It might feel tempting to leave your vehicle in either of these lots, but parking here is prohibited for ballpark visitors.
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