When you’re packing your sunscreen and ball glove in anticipation of your visit to Louisville Slugger Field, don’t forget to pack your appetite – you won’t regret visiting this park on an empty stomach. The traditional ballpark staples – hot dogs, nachos, popcorn and more – are all here, but this park’s concession menu shines because of its variety. Noteworthy items include stuffed pretzels, baked potatoes, roasted corn on the cob, smoked turkey legs, a wide range of sandwiches, including fried bologna, pork chop and ribeye, salad and Papa John’s pizza and breadsticks.
Many of the park’s standard items are available at multiple concession stands and from roaming vendors, but for the specialty items, you’ll have to visit specific areas of the park. For baked potatoes, corn on the cob and pork chop or ribeye sandwiches, for example, hit the concession stand behind the grass berm in left-center. For the park’s specialty sandwiches, visit the sandwich station to the left end of the Home Plate Snacks concession behind home plate. If you’ve set your sights on Papa John’s products, visit the Overlook Grill in right-center or the Papa John’s concession stand on the third base concourse.
If you enjoy sipping an adult beverage while you watch the game, Louisville Slugger Field has far more than just beer to whet your appetite. In addition to its extensive list of import, domestic and micro brews, the ballpark also sells Jack Daniels cocktails, various mixed drinks, red and white wine and frozen drinks.
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