Tickets at Louisville Slugger Field range between $7 and $12, which is notably affordable by International League standards. If money isn’t an object, you’ve got a pair of seating options at the $12 price point. Premium seating is the largest section in the park, running across the lower bowl at field level from shallow left field to shallow right field, and directly behind home plate. For the same price, your other option is the Club Level section, found directly behind the Premium section but on the park’s second level. Both sections are great seating options; you just have to decide whether you favor being up close in the Premium section or would rather enjoy the amenities of the Club Level. A Club Level ticket gives you access to the Jack Daniels Bar & Lounge, a climate-controlled establishment on the club level.
If you’d rather grab a box seat at a slightly cheaper price point, your option is the Field Reserved section, which runs from the end of the Premium section to the foul pole on the first base side and from the end of the Premium section and around the left field foul pole to left-center field on the third base side, as well as four sections directly behind the grass seating in left center. In addition to their affordability, all these seats are ideal for catching a foul ball or home run and really don’t feel that far from home plate.
On a budget? For $7, you can enjoy a spot on the grass berm in left center or in the bleachers high above the group patio deck in right field. The grass berm section is virtually identical to that of any ballpark, and ideal for families and those who wish to spread out a little. The bleachers are the farthest seats from home plate, but offer a bird’s eye view of the park that you don’t always get in the minor leagues. If you’re visiting with kids, both options are ideal – the grass area gives them a chance to move around, and the bleachers are next to the play area.
If you favor standing during the game, check out the Overlook Deck in right center. This popular spot is immediately accessible to a number of concession stands and features picnic tables and live entertainment before games.
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