Attending a AAA game means you’ll get to watch several players who are household names for one reason or another. Some AAA players are highly touted prospects on their way to the Bigs; others are journeymen pros who’ve bounced around between the Major Leagues and Minor Leagues. Others still are MLBers who are down on the farm in a rehab stint. Whatever the case, AAA baseball is popular among autograph seekers, and Frontier Field is a great place to get your cards, program or baseball signed.
While you won’t always get the same enthusiasm among players to sign as you do in the lower levels of Minor League Baseball, several home and away players sign along the fence and around the dugout prior to first pitch. In the Majors and even in AAA, it helps to keep a roster with you to help identify players by their number. If a player hears, “Hey, 25, how about signing?” he likely knows you neither know who he is or care who he is. Printing the rosters of each team prior to visiting Frontier Field helps you identify players in a league in which players don’t have their names on their jerseys. Once you’ve identified someone by his number, you can call over players by their first name.
Roughly 50 minutes before game time, or about 10 minutes after the gates open, one Red Wings player signs at an autograph booth in the concourse behind the first base line. If you’re eager to find out who will be appearing, turn right when you enter the main gate; the autograph booth will soon appear on your right, complete with a sign indicating the day’s signer.
After the game, Rochester’s players frequently sign between the stadium at the players’ parking lot. Once the game has concluded, make your way back outside the stadium and wait outside the doors to the right of the ticket office. You probably won’t be alone, which will help you know you’re in the right place. Pretty soon, players will begin to file out and you’ll likely be able to acquire any signatures you need.
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