Upon parking at Centennial Field, you have the option of entering the ballpark if the gates are open or spending some time outside the gates, touring the area. As always, you can enhance your ballpark-visiting experience by taking in the sights outside the park, especially since most facilities do not allow in-out privileges.
From the parking lot, if you’re facing the main gate, you’ll see a four-window ticket booth to the right of the gate. If you don’t have your tickets already, you can buy them in this location. There is little to see to the right of the ticket office, as the area is fenced off after the parking lot. Still, you can walk to this area and look through a chain-link fence to see the concourse and, directly across from you, the Lake Monsters team shop.
If you’re facing the main gate and choose to walk to the left, there’s plenty to see. In addition to the concourse in this area, you’ll soon see a group picnic area. Turn right once you get to the outfield fence and you can walk all the way around the outside of Centennial Field. You’ll soon pass an employee parking lot on your left, which sits underneath the bleachers for Centennial Field’s soccer field. (Centennial Field, in addition to being home to the Lake Monsters, is also a sporting facility used by the University of Vermont Catamounts. The Catamounts baseball team shared the baseball field through the 2009 season and the men’s and women’s soccer teams play at the picturesque soccer field behind the scoreboard.
The scoreboard itself is easily visible to your upper left, and if you continue around the outside of the outfield fence, you’ll eventually see a caged area containing batting cages and a bar close to the right field corner. The ballpark’s scoreboard is simple and doesn’t provide more than the game’s box score. Don’t look for player stats or profiles.
Once the gates open, return to the main gates and enter. A left turn after entering will put you in the direction of a handicapped area and a group picnic area, while a right turn will allow you to pass by the team shop and a couple of concession stands, including the main one across from the team shop. If you continue all the way around the concourse, you’ll wind up outside the Lake Monsters’ clubhouse, which is situated directly behind the team’s bullpen in foul territory on the first base side.
Between the clubhouse and the grounds crew’s building, you’ll see a path that you may think is closed off. This, however, is the path that leads you to The Cage, a bar in the right field corner. Along the way, you’ll see the ballpark’s batting cages, and may even see some Lake Monsters hanging out in the area prior to the game.
You can enter the seating area of Centennial Field through one of several entranceways around the ballpark. The ballpark features just one deck of seating in two different styles — bleachers and wooden fold-down seats.
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